JENNIFER 5.3.0 Release Note

JENNIFER 5.3.0 Release Note

Release Date: 2017. 08. 17



The View Server's Plugin, Adapter API has changed. Old View Server Adapters are also compatible with 5.3.0, but older version plug-ins are not compatible with 5.3.0. If the plugin using the old version API is registered in the server_view.conf, the view server will not work. You need to start the plugin after replacing it with the plugin using the 5.3.0 plugin API. The latest plug-ins and adapters can be found at

If you are using the 'User Management Configuration Log' feature added to server-, you must change the existing server.view/conf/logback.xml to the new server.view/conf/logback.xml included in the 5.3.0 package.

New Feature

Changes and Improvements

Bug Fix

JAVA Agent

Please note the following when upgrading from an existing agent to 5.3.0.

When configuring OSGI WAS (such as JBOSS) , you need to configure the aries package instead of the jennifer package.

New Features

Changes and Improvement

Bug Fix

PHP Agent

New Features

Changes and Improvements

Bug Fix

.NET Agent

Bug Fix