JENNIFER 5.4.2 Release Note
Release Date: 2019. 04. 29
Changes and Improvements
Data Server
[Data Server] Add a maximum value metric for instance-level system resources. Maximum System CPU Utilization (%), Maximum Process CPU Utilization (%), Maximum System Memory Utilization (%).
[Data Server] Added maximum active service per instance metrics.
[Data Server] Added unofficial option to adjust the number of threads for profile-based statistics processing. jennifer.unofficial.profile.statistic.calculate.thread.count (Default 8)
[Data Server] Added logback filter to restrict duplicate logs in the server log. Add the following VM option to the data server execution script -Dlogback.duplicate.repetition.count=NUMBER_OF_REPETITIONS_ALLOWED
[Data Server] Change the active service response time to zero when the agent sends a negative number.
Correct the database path of the data server in the Windows environment.
Added "Maximum Active Service Per Domain" metrics
Improvement to recognizes when the agent attempts to connect at the time of shutdown and prevents new instance IDs from being issued
View Server
[Analysis > Real-Time X-View] Improvement to set whether to include ERROR when setting minimum response time.
[View Server] Improve the dashboard asynchronous data processing.
[Management > Event External Link Settings] Improvement to not execute the adapter method when an event of an unselected domain occurs.
[Analysis > DB Search ] Added disk usage tab screen.
[User Defined Dashboard > Edit] Highlight the selected Chart, Component.
[User Defined Dashboard > Edit] Added text box background transparency.
[Real-Time > Business > Business chart] Improvement in the connection tree.
[Analsysis > System Environment Variables] Modified key names to be sorted in ascending order.
[Analsysis > File] Disk usage, Java 9 Supported.
[Management > JENNIFER DB] Adding the ability to display and delete transaction data
[Popup > Active Service Details] Added GUID to the active service details popup.
[Management > JENNIFER Administrator Ntocice] Added Administrator Notification Page.
[Real-Time > System Resources] Changed 'Process CPU' to 'Process CPU Utilization (%)'
[Analsysi/Pop-up > Source Code(Resources) Change History] Added source code comparision popup functoin.
Bug Fix
Data Server
View Server
[Management > Commong] Fixed a bug where the management screen list was not displayed under chrome version 72.
[Management > EVENT Rule] Fixed a bug where the target list in the Metrics EVENT tab does not scroll when there are many instances in the list.
[User Defined Dashboard] Fixed a bug that caused a script error when clicking the "All Dashboard tab
Dashboard > Chart] Speed Meter chart name display resize bug fix.
[View Server > OpenAPI] Fixed overflow bug in transaction TXID value.
[View Server > OpenAPI] Removed unused agentCount field when viewing instance list.
[Popup > Active Service] Fixed a bug where the SQL detail view button was not shown when linking with Sherpa Oracle.
[Management > EVENT Rule > Metrics EVENT] Fixed a bug in the target setting where the target column value of the table is displayed as undefined.
[Analysis > XView] Fixed a bug where instance and business name displayed three times on initial screen.
[Dashboard > Batch Job] Fixed data bug in the pop-up window when double-clicking the speedometer.
[Edit User Defined Dashboard> Fixed a bug where instance metrics were not displayed when sync Top bar was selected.
[Real-Time > X-View] Fixed a bug where data was not displayed when the X-axis range was changed.
[Analaysis > X-View] Remove afterimage from X-View display result sharing page.
[Analaysis > X-View] Fixed a bug that caused X-View drag pop-up not to load transaction after exporting data list.
[Analaysis > X-View, Pop-up] Fixed a bug that the X-View filter checkbox did not work.
[Analaysis common] Fixed a bug where the year value of the date component was truncated in the Japanese language.
[Analaysis > DB search] Fixed a bug where the screen image remained on the screen when switching tabs,
[Management > Log view] Fixed a bug that the data/view server log file could not be downloaded in windows environment.
JAVA Agent
New Features
Collect and transmit partition/disk capacity information (Per Minute). Server version should be or higher.
Changes and Improvements
Add to the _allow_bci_class target so that the org.jboss.seam.servlet.SeamFilter class can be set to the starting point
Added an option to preload classes in the runtime module.(_use_preload_for_runtime)
Added an option to delay internal thread initialization.(_delay_thread_creation_time)
Both options _use_preload_for_runtime, _delay_thread_creation_time works only with JDK 1.8 and earlier.
These options are provided as a method to solve the class loading problem that occurs in multithreading under JDK1.7 or earlier
Added the ability set agent option through an environment variable.
[Analysis -> File] Improved the disk usage functionality to support JDK 9+
Only single values can be set through the JVM option and environment variables.
For the JVM option, always use the prefix "jennifer" and the underscore (_) must be converted to a dot (.)
Note that the JVM option has higher priority than the environment variable.
Changed the service_guid_urlconnection option to have no default value.
Change the default value to false for the auto-register ExternalCall option enable_reserved_externalcall.
Improve the ability to set agent options through system environment variables.
The values that can set options through system environment variables are single values.
You always need to specify the prefix "jennifer_" when setting options through environment variables
export jennifer_server_address=
Bug Fix
Fixed an issue where Expire date format was incorrectly specified when generating WMONID cookies.
Fixed a problem where an execution time overflow may occur when the active service is running for a long time
Fixed a bug where SystemMemory was collected as zero in solaris 32bit environment.
PHP Agent
New Features
Added support for PHP 7.3.x
Changes and Improvements
Enhancement to avoid collecting PHP-WARNING from calls with error suppression('@) specified.
Added remove_sql_comment option. If this option is specified, the SQL comment is collected after deletion