Release date : 2022. 07. 20
The 'Share Current Screen' feature is no longer available. but existing URLs can be used.
The minimum supported version of chrome has been changed to 84.
Features added and improvment
Added Open API to RDB export data of past date (JJC-4273/ARIES-10108)
Remove min-width style when using layout=iframe in URL (JJC-4189/ARIES-10273)
Remove header when there is no top bar in custom dashboard when using layout=iframe in URL (JJC-4189/ARIES-10273)
[Dashboard > Active Service Equalizer] Added monitoring target change interaction [instance <-> domain] (ARIES-10251)
[Dashboard > X-View] UX improvement (ARIES-10254)
[Data Server] When a transaction DB is deleted, the query session that searches the DB is terminated and then deleted (ARIES-10275/JJC-4283)
[Management > EVENT External Link Settings] - Repeat Off - Added a function to set the day of the week
Added support option to insert iframe chart through sharing URL in the latest version of Chrome environment (ARIES-10274)
[Popup > X-View] Improved so that missing profiles are displayed in the call-tree (Lost Profile)
[Pop-up > X-View] improved to display the number in the ERROR tab
[Popup > X-View] Added a function to open the X-View pop-up screen with a URL
[Analysis Common] screen global loading added (ARIES-10181)
[Statistics] Renewal of all performance items
[Data Server] Bad_respoonse_active_service metric collection criteria change - Follow the active service setting of Management-Bad Response Time (ARIES-10267/JJC-4280)
[Data Server] Always give a new instance name when using the instance ID reuse option (ARIES-10308)
Added SQL statistics export function to RDB Export (ARIES-10355/JJC-4405)
Add group information to domain information table exported by RDB Export function (ARIES-10353)
[Pop-up > XView Details > Timeline] Stack trace linkage function added - Stack trace information collected from transactions is displayed as nodes in the timeline. When you click a node, you can check the stacktrace list in the stacktrace tab.
[Popup > XView Details > Stacktrace] Timeline linkage function added - By clicking the time range group displayed in the detailed view of the stacktrace, the location where the stacktrace was collected can be checked in the call-tree of the timeline tab.
[Pop-up > XView Details > Stacktrace] Summary view renewal -
The section that actually took a lot of time is improved so that it could be quickly identified by introducing the concept of Self and Retained Self time.
[User menu > Settings > Monitoring target (integrated)] Domain/Domain group setting screen added
[User menu > Settings > Monitoring target (integration)] Instance setting screen added
[Data Server] Introduced StackTrace DB every 10 minutes (ARIES-10360)
[Data Server] Support parsing UserAgent of Naver Browser (ARIES-10335/JJC-4402)
[Data Server] Changed default GC to G1 (ARIES-10332)
[Analysis > X-View] Added a function not to be refreshed even if the search date is changed when the refresh switch is disabled in the target setting component (JJC-4455)
[Statistics > Monthly System Performance] ‘Monthly Operation Status’ table added (JJC-4326)
[Management > Automatic StackTrace] Added setting item to support agent that will change to regular collection mode - Setting to collect stacktrace from all threads, specifying behavior that will vary depending on the version of the agent (Java agent
[Pop-up > SQL Build & Plan] Added SQL sort function
RDB Export MariaDB support (ARIES-10411/JJC-4489)
Added DB path inquiry open API (JJC-4484)
added event, error indicating agent reconnection (ARIES-10384) - AGENT_RECONNECT
Added option to include the slowest parameter information in RDB Export SQL statistics (JJC-4405/ARIES-10390)
[Admin > Notice] Changed the content length limit to 100 (ARIES-10415)
[Settings > Monitoring Target > Domain] Added warning message when registering more than 10 domains of the same data server (ARIES-10425)
[Analysis > X-View] Instantly initialize the list of previously viewed applications at every inquiry (ARIES-10407)
[Data Server] Improved agent list search performance within the period (ARIES-10433)
[Data Server] Improved performance of metric query in minutes for long date ranges (ARIES-10424)
[Data Server] Improved application status text search performance (ARIES-10420) - Search method is different depending on the conditions
[User Menu > Settings] Added user and permission settings
Add Loaded Class Lookup Open API (ARIES-10449)
[Popup > X-View Transaction Analysis Popup] When opening a popup screen with a URL, transaction data can be viewed without domainId (JJC-4549)
[Dashboard > Chart Common] Reduce the top margin by setting the Y-axis Max value closer to the actual data Max value (ARIES-10465/JJC-4554)
[Data Server] Added an unofficial option to optionally control the number of query request thread pools of the view server - jennifer.unofficial.view.server.command.processor.count, default value 4 (ARIES-10439)
Added Topology, ExternalCall type - REDIS (JJC-4556)
Added RDB Export support data - Individual ERROR (ARIES-10457/JJC-4529)
Added Open API - Inquire system environment variable (JJC-4566/ARIES-10475)
Removed Lost Profile function (ARIES-10473/JJC-4564)
[Dashboard > Chart] Display the current value when 1 domain line is displayed in real-time line chart (ARIES-10471)
[Login] Vulnerability of redirect parameter, only allowed with relative address (ARIES-10504/JJC-4590)
[Custom Dashboard] When double-clicking on a chart that does not synchronize the top bar, the instance top bar is displayed in '[Popup > Active Service]' X (ARIES-10464/JJC-4498)
[Management > Common] Improved the inconvenience of continuously showing a warning window leading to a new setting screen (JJC-4578)
Added function to specify all domains when specifying domains in RDB Export option (JJC-4607/ARIES-10529)
Added 'number of calls per day (hitDay)' to the instance unit real-time data Open API (JJC-4607/ARIES-10522)
Added active service elapsed time range inquiry open API (ARIES-10508)
[Data Server] X-View Profile Filter Performance Improvement (ARIES-10546)
[Data Server] Always update the automatically assigned instance ID name (ARIES-10545)
Added option to export data from multiple domains into one table when exporting RDB Export ERROR/transaction (ARIES-10521/ARIES-10502/JJC-4607/JJC-4587)
Added support for RDB Export Tibero (ARIES-10542/JJC-4621)
Changed Logback version - 1.2.9 (JJC-4660)
[User Menu > Settings] Added application control setting (PLC, same IP access blocking)
[Popup > X-View Transaction Analysis] Added SQL Count column to transaction table (JJC-4617)
[Popup > Active Service List] Added Client ID column to application table (JJC-4618)
[Analysis > Performance Browser, Metrics Regression]
Change the date selection that used to select the start date to the end date (ARIES-10550)
[Event Rule > Comparison Event] Added support metrics - number of errors, response time (ARIES-10506/JJC-4593)
[Data Server] In case of duplicate ID, the connected agent's IP and port information are displayed together in the log (ARIES-10555)
[Data Server] Prevent execution if it does not meet the minimum recommended specifications for the data server (ARIES-10451)
[Dashboard] Added a function to automatically select a target (instance) with parameters (hostnames) (ARIES-10518)
[User Menu > Settings] EVENT Rule (Integrated) - Added ERROR EVENT setting
Added disk usage standard error (ERROR_EVENT NOT_ENOUGH_DISK_SPACE) - Disk usage can be set in the new ERROR EVENT management screen (ARIES-10488/JJC-4572)
[Statistics] Improvements for data display recognition (ARIES-10586/JJC-4691)
[Custom Dashboard > Equalizer > Active DB Connection] Changed to allow only target selection per instance (ARIES-10595/JJC-4712)
[Data Server] Real-time metric query performance improvement (ARIES-10563/JJC-4639)
[User Menu > Settings] EVENT Rule (Integrated) - Add Metrics EVENT setting
[User Menu > Settings] EVENT Rule (Integrated) - Add comparison EVENT setting
[Application Name > Cut Name] Allow or condition in one setting (excluding intermediate string removal) (JJC-4706) - Pipe symbol | Multiple desired strings can be input and apply them in the listed order.
[User Menu > Settings] Auto Profile - Added function to exclude from Auto Profile List (JJC-4748)
[User Menu > Settings] EVENT Rule (Integrated) - Added a function to compare a specific date to the comparison EVENT setting (JJC-4593)
[Analysis > Application Status] Fixed a bug where a script error occurred intermittently in the X-View popup when clicking the number of calls in the SQL tab (JJC-4747)
[Talk] Improved to allow attachment of text files, allowing comment line breaks (JJC-4719)
Added a function to display the setting screen popup when clicking the [User Menu > Settings] icon
[Data Server] Remove partition information output when booting (ARIES-10620 / JJC-4764)
[Common Analysis] Modified to retain newline (\n) characters when exporting CSV (JJC-4771)
[Statistics common] Added instance details, ERROR table, CSV export function (JJC-4777)
[Settings > Metrics, Comparison EVENT] Added domain setting copy function (JJC-4772)
[Dashboard > AREA Chart] Change the current value display criteria (JJC-4774)
[Analysis > Application Status] Changed the maximum number of X-View pop-up interlocking calls from 1000 to 10000
Added option to automatically clear old data exported to RDB Export (ARIES-10616)
Improvement of the problem of excessively outputting timeout logs to the view server even under normal circumstances (ARIES-10628)
Added Open API to find instance information by process ID and hostname information (ARIES-10636)
[Analysis > X-View] Added filtering of 'application name (exact string)' to advanced search criteria
Added a function to search in X-View chart when clicking [Analysis > Application Status] number of calls
[Statistics > Monthly System Performance, Monthly Business Performance] Added a function to view the domain performance table (JJC-4777)
[Custom Dashboard] Added merge function to Chart > Advanced > Active Service Equalizer (JJC-4697)
[Custom Dashboard] Added background color function to text (JJC-4697)
[User Menu > Settings > Users and Permissions] Added permission by function in "Setting method profile in call-tree" (JJC-4841)
[User Menu > Settings > EVENT Rule] Metrics EVENT] Added GC Activity (%) EVENT type (JJC-4835)
[Data Server] JENNIFER DB Backup Compression Level Adjustment (ARIES-10678/JJC-4828) - Changed to no compression by default. If compression level need to change, the following unofficial option be used "jennifer.unofficial.db.backup.compression.level=0 ". (It can be set from 0 to 9, the lower the number, the lower the compression))
Added [Analysis > Stacktrace Flight Recorder] page
Added [Dashboard > System Manager (K8S)] page
[Dashboard] Adjusting margins when equalizer chart has 1 target (ARIES-10735/JJC-4697)
[Talk] Fixed maximum length of text and comments
[Management-Auto Stacktrace] Added setting to collect stacktrace statistics by application (ARIES-10494)
Added [Dashboard > System Resources (K8S)] page
[Dashboard > System Manager (K8S)] Change chart Node CPU => Pod CPU (ARIES-10777)
[Dashboard > System Resources (K8s), System Manager (K8s)] When double-clicking , add Pod, Node pop-up screen
[Dashboard > K8s Equalizer] design improvement (CLAR-18)
[Pop-up > SQL Build & Plan] Fixed to save SQL sort status in browser (JJC-4922)
[Data Server] Excluding ZGC Concurrent Phase from GC Activity Monitoring of Data Server (ARIES-10788)
[Data Server] Always save the entered profile after the transaction ends (ARIES-10761)
[Data Server] Fixed not collecting GC related metrics when the agent using ZGC transmits Concurrent Phase information (ARIES-10779)
Added notification (integrated) setting screen (+EVENT external link setting)
[Analysis > Performance Browser] improved raw data export function (JJC-4857)
[Analysis > X-View] Added a function to sort application group charts by name
[Settings > Notifications (Integrated)] Improvements to allow notifications for external linkage can be set by day of the week (JJC-4816)
[Pop-up > Active service list, custom dashboard > Active service list chart] Profile number column added
[Popup > X-View Transaction Analysis] Add depth column to call-tree
[Custom Dashboard > Active Service List Chart] column display and size adjustment function added (JJC-4937)
[Analysis-SFR] Improved data lookup speed in FlameScope charts (ARIES-10896)
[Data Server] Saving minute-by-minute statistics (app, sql, ext, error) collected by the agent (ARIES-10679)
[View Server] Added enable_file_donwload option (function to restrict all kinds of file downloads from View Server)
[Analysis > Stacktrace Flight Recorder] page usability improvements
[Analysis > DB Search] Heap memory search function added
[Pop-up > Active service details] When exporting to Talk, the location of the transaction and profile link is changed to the top of the text
Improved sort order logic of dashboard and analytics menu(JJC-5045)
Added open API for active service detailed inquiry (ARIES-10887)
Optimized Remote-Call cache memory usage for X-View query sessions (ARIES-10875)
Added Kubernetes container ID to agent information (ARIES-10847)
Fixed not to allow API calls to domains without permission
Bug Fix
[Analysis > Performance Browser] fixed raw data export bug (JJC-4294/ARIES-10277)
[Custom Dashboard] Fixed an error in calculating the hourly column chart max value (ARIES-10279)
[Talk] Fixed a bug where uploading was not possible when the image extension was in uppercase (JJC-4374)
[Analysis > DB Search > Application/SQL/External Call] Filtering bug fix when searching service (JJC-4348, JJC-4302)
[Analysis > DB Search > EVENT] Fixed a bug where the contents of the CSV file were different from the screen (JJC-4348)
[Analysis > EVENT] Fixed a bug where the hourly chart was not hidden when the daily chart appetizer number was clicked while the hourly chart was activated (JJC-4347)
[Analysis > EVENT] Fixed a bug where the CSV file contents were different from the screen (JJC-4343)
[Analysis > X-View] Fixed a bug where CSV file contents were different from the screen (JJC-4337)
Fixed a bug that builds as a string when the bind parameter value of SQL Build & Plan is null (ARIES-10281/JJC-4284)
[Management] Fixed a bug that caused a script error when activating the method tree in a domain without an instance (JJC-4336)
[Custom Dashboard] Fixed a bug that was not displayed on the monitoring screen after adding a chart as a business target (ARIES-10319/ JJC-4366)
Fixed bug where view server is not running when multiple certificates are configured as https (ARIES-10350/JJC-4427)
Fixed a bug where the SQL statistics export function of RDB Export did not work in MySQL (ARIES-10361)
Fixed a bug where SQL statements were displayed as numbers when exporting SQL statistics with RDB Export (ARIES-10362)
[Dashboard > System Manager] Fixed a bug where chart data was displayed differently from the dashboard when viewing the chart pop-up (JJC-4417)
[Custom Dashboard > Editor] Fixed a bug where the Insert Chart button disappeared in certain resolutions (JJC-4423)
[Popup > EVENT List] Fixed a bug where the entire EVENT list was displayed even if only the non-recoverable list was enabled (JJC-4419)
[Pop-up > X-View detailed analysis of transaction] Fixed a bug where the help link was incorrect (JJC-4412)
[Analysis > X-View] Fixed to keep the selected instance when changing time and removed 'auto refresh' (ARIES-10388/JJC-4455)
[Analysis > X-View] When changing time, selectable instances are updated and displayed depending on the presence of data (ARIES-10409)
Fixed a bug where the heap memory size value on the [Statistics > Monthly System Performance] screen was incorrect (JJC-4480)
[Dashboard > System Manager] Fixed a bug where charts were not displayed when the browser window was vertically reduced (ARIES-10414/JJC-4498)
[Dashboard > System Manager] Fixed a bug where the dashboard would freeze if you double-click the equalizer chart before the speedbar is drawn (ARIES-10401)
Fixed a bug where the connection session was cut off when moving to the login page while logged in (ARIES-10438/JJC-4520)
[Template > List] Fixed a bug where auto-build settings could not be changed back to inactive after being activated for the first time
[Data Server] Fixed a bug that did not save the root profile that arrived after exceeding the storage limit of the data server (ARIES-10455/JJC-4536)
[Data Server] Fixed a bug where the application, SQL, and ExternalCall name list could not be searched on the analysis related screen (ARIES-10452)
[Data Server] Fixed a bug where AGENT_START event was missing when reconnecting after agent connection failure (ARIES-10478/JJC-4525)
[Analysis > Application Status] Fixed a bug where the data of the number of calls per hour is always filled from 00:00 when the detailed view of the application tab (ARIES-10461)
[Dashboard > Equalizer] Fixed a bug where the agent name remained black when Retina (x) Chrome font size was 90% (ARIES-10476/JJC-4537)
[Dashboard > Events] Fixed a bug that caused vertical scrolling of the dashboard and displayed two lines of text in the instance list (ARIES-10466)
Fixed a bug where data in [Popup > Active Service] was not displayed after double-clicking on [Dashboard > Speedbar], [Dashboard > Multi-domain > Active Service Equalizer] (ARIES-10540/JJC-4672)
Fixed a bug where the RDB Export export failed when the application name was an empty string (JJC-4580/ARIES-10487)
[Data Server] Fixed a bug that caused an error when searching for Management-Calltree after downgrade (ARIES-10523/JJC-4609)
[Data Server] Fix native memory leak in DB not using memory map (ARIES-10551)
Fixed a bug where RDB Export tried to export a transaction when exporting ERROR either batch or manually.
[View Server] Fixed a bug that an error log was printed when the view server was started when the administrator notification was not set (JJC-4608)
[Popup > X-View Transaction Analysis] Fixed a bug that profile data was not loaded when a transaction was quickly selected while loading profile data (JJC-4613)
[Analysis > Application Status] Fixed a bug that visible layers overlap when a server error occurs (JJC-4653)
[Analysis > Application Status] Fixed a bug that certain characters escaped when exporting CSV (JJC-4649)
[Analysis > X-View] Fixed a bug that the start/end/collection times were not sorted in the transaction table (JJC-4616)
[Analysis > X-View] Fixed a bug that data did not appear in table view mode (when there are 0 instances in the domain of the searched time zone) (ARIES-10562/JJC-4664)
[Analysis] Fixed a bug that searches up to 1 day after the end time when searching for target selection (ARIES-10557)
[Common] Fixed a bug that Bold is not displayed on the screen when NotoSansKR font is installed on the client PC (ARIES-10548)
[Data Server] Fixed a bug that the last profile is always saved regardless of the DB storage limit setting (ARIES-10537/JJC-4620)
[Data Server] Fixed a bug that the same IP repeat access restriction setting was not sent to the agent (ARIES-10576)
[View Server] Fix OOM phenomenon due to memory leak (ARIES-10573/JJC-4677, from
Fix a bug that [Popup > SQL Build & Plan] screen does not appear (JJC-4684)
[Analysis > X-View] Filtering - Fix a bug that frontend time style is broken (ARIES-10567)
[Custom Dashboard] Exception handling of charts that process missing domain data (ARIES-10574/JJC-4674)
[Dashboard] Fixed a bug that delayed chart data search in an environment with many domains (ARIES-10585)
[Dashboard > Multi Domain] Fixed a bug that caused a script error in the pop-up screen when double-clicking the EVENT chart (ARIES-10607)
[Dashboard > Batch Job] Fixed a bug where the active service list was not shown (JJC-4711)
[Analysis > X-View] Fixed a bug that did not work when changing the date after selecting the target instance (ARIES-10599)
[Analysis > EVENT] Fixed a bug that the message is not output when exporting to CSV file (JJC-4715)
[Statistics] Fixed a bug where data search was not automatically performed when loading the screen by period or month (ARIES-10581)
[Statistics] Fixed K formatting bug in a chart (ARIES-10583/JJC-4691)
[Custom Dashboard > Equalizer > Active Service] Fixed a bug that the active service list did not appear in the popup when double-clicking after inserting the target selection chart for each domain (ARIES-10595/JJC-4712)
[Data Server] Fixed a bug that Exception occurs when DB path does not exist when data server bootstrap is checked (ARIES-10582/JJC-4695)
Bug where the previous settings are sent to the agent when saving [Data Server] Same IP Continuous Connection Restriction] (ARIES-10594)
[Data Server] Management-Domain] Fixed a problem that the representative agent could not be initialized (ARIES-10608)
[Notice] Fixed Event message memory leak (ARIES-10600/JJC-4599)
[Custom Dashboard] Fixed a bug where the data was not shown in the chart after selecting a 24-hour (Area, Column, Line) chart business (ARIES-10609/JJC-4742)
[Pop-up > X-View Transaction Analysis] After sorting, when the transaction with the earliest start time is selected, the selection effect is shown in the first row.
[Pop-up > Active Service List] Fixed a bug where the Show/Hide table column function did not work (JJC-4739)
[Data Server] Fixed a bug where the settings were not transmitted to the agent when the same IP continuous access restriction was deleted (ARIES-10612)
[Dashboard > X-View] Fixed a bug that the instance did not appear in the target selection (ARIES-10618/JJC-4763)
[Data Server] Fixed a bug that GC occurred once per minute in certain environments due to memory map (ARIES-10624 / JJC-4767
[Dashboard > Business] Fixed a bug that data did not appear in the Active Service pop-up (JJC-4784)
[Statistics Common] Fixed a bug that the table data of the number of ERRORs per instance did not appear
Fix bug that ignore_auth_token option does not work in system environment variable Open API (JJC-4566/ARIES-10619)
[Common] Fixed a bug that the top bar was not reflected when changing the agent status (eg: Stop -> Start) (JJC-4678)
[Analysis > Application Status] Fixed a bug that a specific application pop-up window was blank when viewing the ERROR list in the ERROR tab (JJC-4824)
[Pop-up > Active Service Details] Fixed a bug that the Thread Pause/Restart function was missing
[Administration - Event Rule] Added to domain concurrent users metric event (ARIES-10646/JJC-4793)
[Data Server] Fixed a bug that the user agent of the latest Edge browser could not be parsed (ARIES-10660/JJC-4809)
Fix bug that search is not performed in the application search bar of [Analysis > DB Search > Application/SQL/External Call] (ARIES-10673)
[Analysis > CRUD Matrix] DB2 WITH UR syntax parsing bug fixed (ARIES-10682/JJC-4840)
[Layout] Domain group bar, header not displayed layout added
'&layout=iframe-no-header' (ARIES-10672)
Fix a bug Open API that returns instance information as process ID and hostname information (ARIES-10636)
[Dashboard > Topology] Fixed a bug that group names were not saved (JJC-4862)
Fixed a bug that data was not displayed when opening the Active Service pop-up in the [Custom Dashboard] chart (JJC-4863)
[Analysis > Performance Browser] Fixed a bug that the interval was not displayed (ARIES-10701)
Fixed a bug that real-time X-View does not appear continuously when the X-View DB file is damaged (ARIES-10699/JJC-4821)
Fixed a bug that the number of concurrent domain users was collected by 2 per second (ARIES-10734/JJC-4877)
[Pop-up > Active Service Details] Fixed a bug that the state could not be maintained when the screen was reloaded after the thread was paused (JJC-4775)
Fixed a bug that the [Dashboard > System Resources (K8S)] menu was displayed when the option was not enabled (ARIES-10797/JJC-4925)
[Dashboard > K8s Equalizer] HeartBeat threshold change (request -> usage) (ARIES-10784)
[Analysis > Application Status > Error Tab] Fixed the bug that the error type was displayed obfuscated (ARIES-10805/JJC-4933)
[Management > View Agent Log] Fixed the bug that the agent configuration file search failed (ARIES-10804)
[Management > Agent Advanced Options] Fixes the bug that the restart option list is not displayed during network encryption (ARIES-10803)
[Data Server] Fixed the bug where unnecessary logs were left on the data server when real-time metrics were searched (ARIES-10794/JJC-4921)
[Data Server] Fixed the bug that old error records related to transactions were saved in the pending DB (ARIES-10787)
Fixed the bug that data was displayed differently when viewed in the [Common Dashboard] popup (JJC-4965)
[Dashboard Common] Fixed the bug that Y-axis values of X-View charts were saved as duplicates
[Settings > Users & Permissions] Fixed the bug that the user password could not be changed
[Pop-up > K8s Analysis] Fixed the bug that the disk chart was not drawn in the Performance tab
[View Server] -Djennifer.unofficial.use.agent.time.on.xview=true option missing bug fixed
[Common dashboard] Fixed the bug that caused a script error when viewing chart pop-ups such as Speedmeter, Active Service, X-View, etc. (JJC-5012, JJC-5004, JJC-4994)
[Analysis > X-View] Fixed the bug that application name filtering did not work properly when sorting by conditions other than the number of calls in the application group chart (JJC-5011)
[Data Server] Fixed the bug that the file reference for commands that read with the file open could not be released (ARIES-10881, JJC-5046)
[Data Server] Fixed a concurrency problem that sometimes occurred when processing events (ARIES-10883, JJC-5042)
[Data Server] Exception handling for data server startup failure in AIX environment (ARIES-10888)
[Data Server] Fixed the bug that the advanced options of the agent set as the representative agent were not copied (ARIES-10837)
[View Server] Added Open API cross-domain handling starting with 'api-v2'
[Common dashboard] X-View, Speedmeter, EVENT chart pop-up view script error bug fixed (JJC-4994)
[Custom Dashboard] Fixed the bug that the edit and delete buttons were not visible if the user group was different
[Custom Dashboard] Added validation check to column management of active service list chart (JJC-4937)
[Analysis > Performance Browser] Fixed the bug that the search for a section with a small date range failed (ARIES-10825)
[Analysis > Performance Browser] Fixed the bug that all lines became transparent when clicking the search condition
[Analysis > X-View] Fixed the bug that filtering did not work properly when selecting after sorting the application group chart (JJC-5011)
[Management > Source Code Change History] Fixed the bug that directory setting was not possible in case of .NET
[Settings > Application Control > Block Same IP Access] Fixed the bug that individual IP settings were missing
[Pop > SQL Build & Plan] Fixed the bug that whitespace appeared when text "|" was included in paramter (JJC-5055)
[Popup > Source Code Comparison] Fixed the bug that the screen was blank when '${...}' is included when the file type is JSP (JJC-5043)
JAVA Agent
From version 5.6.1, JDK1.6 is not supported.
In order to use version 1.6 or lower, version 5.6.0.x. must be used
Features added and Improvment
Added option not to collect profile based on transaction time. (collect_profile_base_on_transaction_time)
Added an option to adjust the profile buffer size when collecting profiles. (profile_buffer_size)
Added support for JDK 15, 16, 17 LTS versions
Changed to use the class name if the DB Connection name could not be obtained.
Added JMX Connection Pool HikariCP support. (AREIS-10514, JJC-4559)
Changed the format to make it easier to view Class Path related logs.
Added Goldilocks DB direct SQL support. (enable_reserved_sql_pointcut) (JJC-4755)
Changed to record the log only once when collecting UnknownSQL profile or tracking duplicates. (JJC-4766)
Added Goldilocks DB topology support. (JJC-4755)
Improved to support Calendar parameters of JDBC API setDate, setTime, and setTimestamp. (JJC-4743)
Added a function to set the transaction name based on the method that starts first within the target method. (service_naming_by_first_method)
Changed to transmit process ID (PID) information when connecting to the data server. (ARIES-10683)
Added function to find active DB connection based on execute. (enable_active_connection_trace) (JJC-4842)
Added Kubernetes configuration options (kubernetes_cluster, kubernetes_namespace) (ARIES-10697)
Improved to leave a service dump when an OOM exception occurs. (JJC-4817)
Add ThreadPoolExecutor to be patchable. (enable_async_executor)
Improvement to leave asynchronous related debugging log. (_dev_log)
Improved the Inline parameter to specify the maximum number of collections. (ASHISUTO-1524) (max_size_to_parameter)
Added to collect container ID from K8S and Docker. (ARIES-10839)
Added to collect memory usage by ZGC area. (ARIES-10778)
Added to collect GC metric information when using ZGC. (ARIES-10780)
Changed to support only JDK7 or higher. (ARIES-10873)
Added a function not to transmit the profile of a transaction completed within the desired time.(collect_profile_base_on_transaction_time)(ARIES-10829)
Added the ability to process App, Sql, Ext, Error, and App combination statistical tasks in the agent.(collect_statistic_on_agent,application_statistic_max_coun,sql_statistic_max_count,external_call_statistic_max_count,error_statistic_max_count)(ARIES-10679)
Improved to show that ExternalCall name setting is applied in the active service pop-up window. (JJC-4954)
Bug Fix
Fix hash collision bug in stacktrace collected in JDK9 and above and below JDK9 (ARIES-10419)
Fix IllegalAccessError when transaction_client_ip_return is used. (JJC-4686)
Fixed the bug that collects negative numbers when collecting process CPU information using JMX. (JJC-4786)
Fixed the bug that affects even WAS when agent initialization fails. (JJC-4689)
Fixed the bug that the process ID could be sent as a negative number but could go to a positive number if the process ID could not be obtained
Fixed the bug that service dumps displayed status codes with old abbreviations. (ARIES-10871)
.NET Agent
Features added and Improvments
Added synchronous method profile of Microsoft.Data.SqlClient in .NET Core environment
Added .NET Core EXE type synchronous/asynchronous batch monitoring
Changes to the internal code of the asynchronous call context in the .NET Framework
When installing with Installer.exe, detecting whether the lock down policy is set in the server environment
Added ignore_user_agent_header option
Added profiling of Dns.GetHostEntry method in .NET Framework
Support for .NET Core/5+ monitoring in Azure App Service environment
Supports the "IgnoreConfigFile" option supported by the existing Java
Added local socket information to log when connecting
Implement Java's min_sql_time_to_collect, min_sql_time_to_collect_parameter, min_sql_fetch_time_to_collect, collect_db_open_close_message options
Added support for installation after .NET Core 3.1 when added to Dockerfile
Added .NET 5 web app monitoring support
Added .NET 6 web app monitoring support
Added support for monitoring 3.x and 4.x of Microsoft.Data.SqlClient when monitoring .NET Core 3
IISConfigHelper: Fixed the bug that unnecessary columns were displayed in the view showing the web list
Change the enable_oracle_managed_perf_counter setting so that it can also be done in the advanced options window
Changed to monitor the SharePoint web app by default even if no option is added. Conversely, option setting is required to monitor .NET Remoting
Improved performance figures of Oracle.ManagedDataAccess DB Connections can be checked through "Analysis" / "System Environment Variables"
Fixes the bug that only three functions, NumberOfActiveConnections, NumberOfFreeConnections, and NumberOfNonPooledConnections, are activated even when the performance counter of Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Core is set in web.config
Added async_task_trace option to profile asynchronous Task.Invoke calls (default: false)
Changed not to create a log file if there is a file named "disabled" in the logs\profiler directory (to avoid locking the directory)
Implementation of "Management" / "View Log" / "Agent Configuration File" function (ARIES-10657)
Added "/iisreset" option to installer.exe: When JENNIFER .NET agent is installed, environment variables are globally registered in the registry. However, if JENNIFER is removed from some unspecified Windows servers, a problem arises that the server has to be rebooted due to the problem that the environment variable still remains in the w3wp.exe process after iisreset. In this case, it is possible to prevent the JENNIFER module from being uploaded to w3wp.exe by executing the "installer.exe /iisreset" command.
Changed the profile_getset_property option that had to be set directly in the conf file so that it can also be set in the JENNIFER console.
Added running profile number to active service list (ARIES-10127)
Implementation of transaction_client_ip_parameter, transaction_client_ip_return (ARIES-10627)
Added profiling for Informix data providers
Added conf option (kubernetes_cluster, kubernetes_namespace) to collect cluster and namespace in Kubernetes environment (ARIES-10697)
Bug Fix
Fixed the bug that WebMethod calls hosted by aspx (which was possible in Jennifer 4) could not be monitored (JJC-4565)
Fixed the bug that only 1 instance is displayed when scaling-out is set in Azure App Service environment
Fixed the bug that installation using agent-installer3.dll was not possible in the version with .NET Core 3+ installed
Fix the bug that service_append_naming_use_first_execute option is not applied for return value
Fix the bug that application name truncation function does not apply (server has also changed, data server version 5.6.1 or higher must be installed)
Fix the bug that X-View profile is not output when total size of method signature is larger than 1024 (JJC-4872)
Added support for Web API applications built in the traditional .NET 5 way in a .NET 6 environment
Fixed the bug that .NET Core/5+ web application monitoring in IIS environment was not be activated unless AutoSelect option is turned on
PHP Agent
Features added and Improvments
Added ignore_user_agent_header option
Added PHP Redis, PRedis library support (ARIES-10363)
Added PHP 8.1RC version support (ARIES-10408)
Added enable_redis option
Added redis_args_length option
Support PHP 8.1.0 version (ARIES-10442)
Added dump_trigger_interval option (ARIES-10592)
Added Instance ID reuse function (ARIES-10703)
Added configuration kubernetes_cluster, kubernetes_namespace for Kubernetes environment (ARIES-10697)
Change the AGENT_PROCESS_KEY value to PID (ARIES-10683)
Add running profile number to active service (ARIES-10129)
Docker, Kubernetes environment container ID collection (ARIES-10839)
Bug Fix
Fixed the bug that the user ID is not shown on the active service detail screen (JJC-4306, ARIES-10294)
Fixed the bug that FPM collection could not be done in PHP 8 or higher version (ARIES-10408)