What is JENNIFER View Server?
View server is a server that accesses the data server and displays the data to be monitored on the screen. You can select and monitor Domains on multiple data servers.
The basic unit for requesting and displaying data on the view is Domain.
Download and unzip JENNIFER 5 package, then the server.view directory is created. This folder is the JENNIFER view server.
Specifications of JENNIFER View Server
As it is recommended to install the JENNIFER view server in the same system on which the data server is installed, the specifications are identical to Specifications of JENNIFER Data Server
Configuration of JENNIFER View Server Directories
The view server directories are configured as follows.
Directory name | Description |
bin | Directory which contains executable files |
conf | Directory which contains configuration files |
lib | Library for starting the view server |
webapp | Directory that contains applications of the view server |
db_data | Save directory that is created after the initial execution |
Start and Stop JENNIFER View Server in UNIX System
Configuration of JENNIFER View Server
Configuration of JENNIFER View Server
${JENNIFER_VIEW_SERVER_HOME}/bin/jennifer_view.sh contains settings required for starting the view server in UNIX system. In this file, you can configure JAVA_HOME, view server home, view server configuration file and view server JVM options. Configure the server using the variables listed below according to the environment in which JENNIFER is installed.
Configuration Variable | Example |
JAVA_HOME | /home/jennifer/jdk1.8.0_31 |
JENNIFER_VIEW_SERVER_HOME | /home/j5/jennifer5/server.view |
JENNIFER_PLATFORM | java / php / net |
The purpose of the JENNIFER_PLATFORM option is to adjust the monitoring environment according to the platform, as the monitoring environments are slightly different in JAVA, .NET and PHP.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # ----- Customizable Variables ----------------------------------------- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- JAVA_HOME=/home/jennifer/jdk1.8.0_31 JENNIFER_VIEW_SERVER_HOME=/home/jennifer5/server.view JENNIFER_VIEW_SERVER_CONF=${JENNIFER_VIEW_SERVER_HOME}/conf/server_view.conf JENNIFER_VIEW_SERVER_LOG_CONF=${JENNIFER_VIEW_SERVER_HOME}/conf/logback.xml # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # ----- You can choice platform 'java' or 'php' or 'net' --------------- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- JENNIFER_PLATFORM=java
Configuration of Data Server Options
The configuration file contains the basic settings of the view server, such as where to save the temporary data or where to save the report data. By default, this file is located in conf/server_view.conf in the home directory of the view server. You can change the location and file name in the configuration file. Descriptions of the basic settings for server_view.conf are provided below.
Setting | Default Value | Description |
server_port | 7900 | Access port of the view server, which is for access from the browser. |
db_path | ../db_view | Saves the information of user/screen/authority internally in the view server. |
report_path | ../report | Saves reports created by the view server. |
server_port = 7900 db_path = ../db_view report_path = ../report
Start JENNIFER View Server
Move to the bin directory in the view server.
cd /home/jennifer5/server.view/bin
In the bin directory, run startup_view.sh.
# # ./startup_view.sh #
Check whether the view server has started properly.
2014-11-28 10:31:40.366 [main] INFO c.j.view.config.Configure - Configuration file: /home/jennifer5/server.view/conf/server_view.conf 2014-11-28 10:31:40.393 [main] INFO com.jennifersoft.view.Main - Using JRE: /home/jennifer/jdk1.8.0_31/jre 2014-11-28 10:31:40.393 [main] INFO com.jennifersoft.view.Main - Jennifer view server home: /home/jennifer5/server.view 2014-11-28 10:31:40.394 [main] INFO com.jennifersoft.view.Main - PlatForm : java 2014-11-28 10:31:40.547 [main] INFO com.jennifersoft.view.Main - View server version: 5.0.5 2014-11-28 10:31:40.547 [main] INFO com.jennifersoft.view.Main - System property: user.timezone=Asia/Seoul,file.encoding=UTF-8 2014-11-28 10:31:40.576 [main] INFO com.jennifersoft.view.Main - War Path : /home/jennifer5/server.view/war/jennifer.server.view-5.0.5.war 2014-11-28 10:31:40.681 [main] INFO org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server - jetty-7.6.15.v20140411 2014-11-28 10:31:40.707 [main] INFO o.e.j.webapp.WebInfConfiguration - Extract jar:file:/home/jennifer5/server.view/war/jennifer.server.view-5.0.5.war!/ to /home/jennifer5/server.view/temp/webapp 2014-11-28 10:31:42.256 [main] INFO / - Initializing Spring root WebApplicationContext 2014-11-28 10:31:46.149 [main] INFO o.e.j.server.handler.ContextHandler - started o.e.j.w.WebAppContext{/,file:/home/jennifer5/server.view/temp/webapp/},/home/jennifer5/server.view/war/jennifer.server.view-5.0.5.war 2014-11-28 10:31:46.238 [main] INFO / - Initializing Spring FrameworkServlet 'Spring MVC Dispatcher Servlet' 2014-11-28 10:31:49.574 [main] INFO o.e.jetty.server.AbstractConnector - Started SelectChannelConnector@
Stop JENNIFER View Server
Move to the bin directory in the view server.
cd /home/jennifer5/server.view/bin
In the bin directory, run shutdown_view.sh.
# # ./shutdown_view.sh #
When the view server is properly stopped, the following log will be displayed.
2014-11-28 10:33:27.456 [main] INFO c.j.view.config.Configure - Configuration file: /home/jennifer5/server.view/conf/server_view.conf 2014-11-28 10:33:27.481 [main] INFO com.jennifersoft.view.Main - Using JRE: /home/jennifer/jdk1.8.0_31/jre 2014-11-28 10:33:27.481 [main] INFO com.jennifersoft.view.Main - Jennifer view server home: /home/jennifer5/server.view 2014-11-28 10:33:27.481 [main] INFO com.jennifersoft.view.Main - shutdown(int status) - [0] 2014-11-28 10:33:28.756 [Thread-0] INFO com.jennifersoft.view.Main - shutdown(int status) - [0]
Start and Stop JENNIFER View Server in Windows System
Configure JENNIFER View Server
Configuration of JENNIFER View Server
%JENNIFER_VIEW_SERVER_HOME%/bin/jennifer_view.sh contains settings required for starting the view server in Windows system. In this file, you can configure JAVA_HOME, view server home, view server configuration file and view server JVM options. Configure the server using the variables listed below according to the environment in which JENNIFER is installed.
Configuration Variable | Example |
JAVA_HOME | C:\jdk18 |
JENNIFER_VIEW_SERVER_HOME | C:\work\jennifer5\server.view |
JENNIFER_PLATFORM | java / php / net |
rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------- rem ----- Customizable Variables ----------------------------------------- rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------- set JAVA_HOME=c:\jdk18 set JENNIFER_PLATFORM=java set JENNIFER_VIEW_SERVER_HOME=C:\work\jennifer5\server.view set JENNIFER_VIEW_SERVER_CONF=%JENNIFER_VIEW_SERVER_HOME%\conf\server_view.conf set JENNIFER_VIEW_SERVER_LOG_CONF=%JENNIFER_VIEW_SERVER_HOME%\conf\logback.xml rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Configure Data Server Options
The configuration file contains the basic settings of the view server, such as where to save the temporary data or where to save the report data. By default, this file is located in conf/server_view.conf in the home directory of the view server. You can change the location and file name in the configuration file. Descriptions of the basic settings for server_view.conf are provided below.
Setting | Default Value | Description |
server_port | 7900 | Access port of the view server, which is for access from the browser. |
db_path | ../db_view | Saves the information of user/screen/authority internally in the view server. |
report_path | ../report | Saves reports created by the view server. |
server_port = 7900 db_path = ../db_view report_path = ../report
For the directory separator in the configuration file, use "/" instead of "\".
Start JENNIFER View Server
The descriptions below are based on an assumption that the above two configuration files (jennifer_view.bat, server_view.conf) are properly configured according to the system in which JENNIFER view server is to be installed.
Move to the bin directory in the view server.
cd C:\work\jennifer5\server.view\bin
In the bin directory, run startup_view.bat.
C:\work\jennifer5\server.view\bin> startup_view.sh
Check whether the view server has started properly.
2014-07-22 18:07:37.284 [main] INFO c.j.view.config.Configure - Configuration file: C:\work\jennifer5\server.view\conf\server_view.conf 2014-07-22 18:07:37.355 [main] INFO com.jennifersoft.view.Main - Using JRE: c:\jdk18\jre 2014-07-22 18:07:37.355 [main] INFO com.jennifersoft.view.Main - Jennifer view server home: C:\work\jennifer5\server.view 2014-07-22 18:07:37.355 [main] INFO com.jennifersoft.view.Main - PlatForm : java 2014-07-22 18:07:37.567 [main] INFO com.jennifersoft.view.Main - View server version: 5.0.1 2014-07-22 18:07:37.567 [main] INFO com.jennifersoft.view.Main - System property: user.timezone=Asia/Seoul,file.encoding=UTF-8 2014-07-22 18:07:37.680 [main] INFO org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server - jetty-7.6.15.v20140411 2014-07-22 18:07:38.033 [main] INFO / - Initializing Spring root WebApplicationContext 2014-07-22 18:07:39.318 [main] INFO o.e.j.server.handler.ContextHandler - started o.e.j.w.WebAppContext{/,file:/C:/work/jennifer5/server.view/webapp/} 2014-07-22 18:07:39.417 [main] INFO / - Initializing Spring FrameworkServlet 'Spring MVC Dispatcher Servlet' 2014-07-22 18:07:40.307 [timerFactory] INFO c.j.view.timer.LogTimerTask - --------- Data Server Info Start ------------- 2014-07-22 18:07:40.307 [timerFactory] INFO c.j.view.timer.LogTimerTask - --------- Data Server Info End ------------- 2014-07-22 18:07:40.830 [main] INFO o.e.jetty.server.AbstractConnector - Started SelectChannelConnector@
Register JENNIFER View Server as a Windows Service
Open a cdm.exe window as an administrator.
In the server.view\bin directory, run reg_service.bat.
The default value of a service name to be registered is "jennifer_view". If you want to change this value, you are required to create the following INI file in the same folder before running reg_service.bat.
* For 32 bit jenniferview32.ini * For 64 bit jenniferview64.ini
Following shows the content of an INI file having the same value as the default value.
[default] serviceName=jennifer_view servicePath=jennifer_view.bat
When running reg_service.bat file after changing the serviceName value, the name of JENNIFER view server displayed to the service administrator is changed.
Stop JENNIFER View Server
Move to the bin directory in the view server.
cd C:\work\jennifer5\server.view\bin
In the bin directory, run shutdown_view.bat.
C:\work\jennifer5\server.view\bin> shutdown_view.bat
When the view server has properly stopped, the following log will be displayed.
2014-07-22 18:14:55.884 [main] INFO c.j.view.config.Configure - Configuration file: C:\work\jennifer5\server.view\conf\server_view.conf 2014-07-22 18:14:55.918 [main] INFO com.jennifersoft.view.Main - Using JRE: c:\jdk18\jre 2014-07-22 18:14:55.936 [main] INFO com.jennifersoft.view.Main - Jennifer view server home: C:\work\jennifer5\server.view 2014-07-22 18:14:55.936 [main] INFO com.jennifersoft.view.Main - shutdown(int status) - [0] 2014-07-22 18:14:57.473 [Thread-1] INFO com.jennifersoft.view.Main - shutdown(int status) - [0]
Access to Screen
Using a browser that supports HTML5 (currently Chrome), access the view server. The URL to access is http://jennifer_view_server_ip:7900/.
Login Screen
Using the default User ID (admin) and Password (admin), access the view server. When the default Domain ID is set to 5000, you can see the following screen.
JENNIFER Initial Screen
When a port other than 5000 is set for the data server, the connection to the data server is not granted, and a window with the message "No Domain Configuration Information" will be displayed, as shown below.
No Domain Configuration Information
When the "No Domain Configuration Information" message is displayed, determine which data server's Domain to access and register the Domain of the applicable data server manually.
You can register a Domain from the Manage Domain menu on the Management screen.
Add Initial Domain
When registering a Domain server in the View Server, the following message is displayed in the View Server log.
2014-11-28 10:43:39.693 [Thread-1] INFO c.j.data.nio.DataServerProtocol$1$1 - View server session is created. domainId=1000, connection=Local: 2014-11-28 10:44:07.040 [Global Timer:Running:com.jennifersoft.data.mng.DomainListLogger$1] INFO c.j.data.mng.DomainListLogger$1 - Available domain: 1000
When registering a Domain server in the View Server, the following message is displayed in the Data Server log.
Upgrade JENNIFER Data Server and View Server
Download a file of the version to upgrade.
Navigate to the Upgrade JENNIFER Server menu on the JENNIFER configuration screen, and select the downloaded file.
Server Upgrade