JENNIFER 5.3.3 Release Note
Release Date : 2018. 06. 14
Improvements and New Features
Server Common
Added domain-specific event metrics: Active service, BadResponse active service, daily visitor, hourly visitor
Excluding the value -1, 0, 1 when creating business ID
Showing a notice of data loss on the dashboard screen.
Showing the cause of agent connection failure on the dashboard screen.
Data Server
Added an unofficial option to reuse instance ID.
Added an option to exclude receiving SQL Inline and Bound Parameter.
Improve the DB deletion efficiency
Prevent the agent STOP event from occurring when the license expires
Added the ability to parse MySQL's SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS function when querying CRUD matrix data.
Added an unofficial option to deny agent access (connection). Option name is option jennifer.unofficial.enable.accept.agent.connection (Default Value true). Set the value to False if you want to deny agent connection.
Added an unofficial option to prevent the legacy profile database from being read. - jennifer.unofficial.ignore.old.profile.db (default false) Set to true when the API for determining whether the file system is readable is slow
Added Exception handling when the Java agent gives a null command response - This occurs when the runtime module of the Java agent is not initialized. This can be the case if there is no starting point.
Added unofficial option to display notification about the cause of agent connection failure - Option name (default true). Set the value to false if you don't want to display the notification on the dashboard.
Added unofficial option to display notification about the lost of data during processing- Option name (default true). Set the value to false if you don't want to display the notification on the dashboard.
View Server
Automatic process termination when accessing the same database path in two or more processes
Set SSLInsecureRenegotiation off.
Change moment.js version up & change time zone usage code of the server
Screen Common
Added notify page when screen is disconnected from view server
Dashboard / Real-Time
[Real-Time > X-View] Change to support only a single domain when domain group is off.
[Real-Time > Business] Added "Show Chart Popup icon" to X-View chart.
User Defined Dashboard
[X-View Transaction Analsysi] Replace tree index with profile index and parent profile index when exporting the call tree table.
Analysis / Statistics
[Performance Browser] Changed the viewing period from the previous day to a maximum of 7 days
[DB Search] Support for more than one-month inquiry, only can display 50,000 records or less
[Rule > EVENT Rule> Metrics EVENT] Add Domain Target Type to Search and Add Condition.
[Rule > EVENT Rule] Change existing intelligent EVENT rule to comparison EVENT tab on the EVENT rule management screen.
[Rule > EVENT Rule] Comparison EVENT Tab, Compare EVENT that can be compared with all time zones
[Rule > same IP connection limit] Added "Do not block" setting type - Supported from Java agent 5.3.3
[JENNIFER User> Group] Added SQL inline Parameter permission to function-specific permissions.
[JENNIFER SERVER> JENNIFER DB] Added backup start date option on archive setting tab
[Extension & Notice > SMTP settings] Added plain SMTP protocol setting type.
[Extension & Notice > SMTP settings] Added the ability to set up an SMTP server registered with Amazon SES
[Extension & Notice > SMTP settings] Allow to enter blank ID and Password values.
[Template] Improved chart style.
[Report] Changed "TEMPLATE", "REPORT", "TALK" menu URL.
User Menu
[My background Job] Add screen to View file list created when exporting full profile from X-View popup.
Open API
[Open API] updated /api/metrics to also display Application/SQL/External Call matrix list
Bug Fix
Data Server
Fixed an issue that could cause excessive CPU usage when there are a wide variety of keys for calculating the number of visitors by client IP
View Server
Fixed a bug that prevented view server from running in JDK 1.9 when Jennifer Labs and adapters were added
Screen Common
Fixed a bug where the subdomain sorting order displayed irregularly when selecting Domain group in domain bar
Fixed a bug that prevented multilingual processing and data server notification messages from showing
Fixed a bug where Data Server low disk space message was not showing.
Dashboard / Real-Time
Fixed a bug where Response Time per-domain was not collected.
[Dashboard > Speed Meter] Improvement of instance name displaying when there is no space to display names
[Dashboard > XView] Fixed multiple bugs that prevented time axis movement, error in displaying data and incorrect X-dot when zooming to the X-View.
User Defined Dashboard
Fixed a script bug when setting/selecting 'start time' column in active service list chart settings
[X-View Transaction Analysis] Fixed a bug where "Unkown" was displayed in Plain Text when method profile returns "null" value.
[ActiveService] Fixed a bug where the SQL details button was not displayed.
[ActiveService] Fixed a bug where the service dump button was not shown in the service list.
[ActiveService] Fixed a bug where a query failure occurred when transaction related errors are being collected at the time of the inquiry
Fixed a bug where SQL, ExternalCall BadResponse individual transactions threshold settings where not applied
Analysis / Statistics
[Analysis > Performance Browser] Fixed a bug that caused multi-selection in the browser DOM area when selecting a line and then selecting another line.
[Analysis > DB Search] Fixed a bug where Domain/Instance/Business search period exceeding one month caused a server error.
[Analysis > X-View] Fixed a bug that data could not be loaded when dragging a point older than one month.
[Analysis > DB Search > Domain/Instance/Business] Fixed a bug where search result was not displayed correctly when the query time range settings were in minutes unit.
[Monitoring Target > Domain, Domain Group] Fixed a bug that caused a script error when a special character was included in the name.
[JENNIFER Server > JENNIFER DB] Fixed a bug where the date of the data was incorrect when the time zone of the server and the browser were different.
[JENNIFER Server > JENNIFER DB] Fixed a bug that prevented the display of files backed up yesterday
[Template] Fixed a bug where server error occurred when modifying imported chat/table component
[Template] Fixed a bug where the template was not built if the build period was set to Weekly or Monthly
[Template] Fixed a bug where server error occurred when the summary interval is set to All when adding table via the Table > DB Search > Domain/Instance/Business menu item.
[Template] Fixed a bug where sorting was not applied in Table > TopN > Application/SQL/External Call
[Report] Fixed a bug that allowed access to the report menu URL even if permission was not granted
JAVA Agent
New Features
Added SQL query encoding option. (sql_query_encoding)
Added SQL query string parameter encoding option (sql_parameter_encoding)
Added Thread Auto Kill function based on CPU time. (enable_cpu_consuming_thread_auto_kill, cpu_consuming_thread_auto_kill_threshold)
Added an option to change the point of patching to track Thread
Added an option to ignore HTTP_IO_EXCEPTION errors (ignore_http_io_exception)
Changes and Improvements
Added support for Tibero JDBC 5, 6 direct sql
Added a way to debug missing profile (_debug_profile)
Added the ability to set the maximum number of parameters to be collected when collecting SQL profiles. (max_size_to_parameter)
Registered IBMResetServlet class in the default service entry point.
Bug Fix
Fixed an issue that could cause DEAD_LOCK when retrieving Connection name.
Fixed a bug where memory leak occurred when there were many SQL.
Fixed a bug where SQL could not be collected normally when using Tibero JDBC.
Fixed a bug where setting a blank value in the agent advanced options would cause the option to reset to default value.
.NET Agent
Bug Fix
Fixed an issue where the topology view for HTTP calls was not drawn in version 5.3.2 and version
Fixed an error that caused an error in X-View Transaction Analysis when there is only single quotation mark in the parameters of SQL query
Fixed an issue where the agent could not connect to the server when using Auto Assigned ID
Changes and Improvements
Added profile for "Connect" when using ASYNC socket.
Added profile_method_paramter_value_length, profile_method_return_value_length option with the same functionality as the Java agent.
The service adapter can change the service name based on the type argument of the WCF (Added an example file "RenameAdapter.cs" to the /extension/sample directory)
Added three environment variable options to reuse the conf file based o the directory where the EXE is located in batch monitoring
The directory path where the EXE batch process will be applied to the default conf file
The conf file name to be applied to all EXEs in the DEFAULT_BATCH_EXE_DIR directory
Specifying True applies to all EXE batch processes in DEFAULT_BATCH_EXE_DIR, and False only applies to batch processes in DEFAULT_BATCH_EXE_DIR.
PHP Agent
New Features
Added profile_http_paramter_except option to collect HTTP paramters execluding specifc key.
Added profile_http_header_except option to collect HTTP headers excluding specific key.
MongoDB Support (PHP 7 or later, using MongoDB driver only)
Added an option to collect User ID from HTTP paramter value (user_by_http_header, user_by_http_parameter)
Changes and Improvements
Improvement to display HTTP POST param and GET Param separately when HTTP parameters are collect (profile_http_parameter, profile_http_parameter_all)
Bug Fix
[Analysis > System Environment Variable] Fixed a bug where PHP version was collected as Unkown php value type.
Fixed a bug where automatic stack trace was not collected when a certain period of time passed after starting the agent.
Fixed a bug where SQL build was abnormal when two or more SQL bind variable with the same name are used.