Server Release Date : 2017-12-26
Changes and Improvements
[Data Server] Changed Agent advanced option copy function to copy only non-default settings
[Data Server] Log disk IO speed in the server log file.
Bug Fix
[Data Server] Fixed a bug where Remote call statistic was stored even though transaction profile not saved due to profile store limitation settings
Server Release Date : 2018-01-09
Changes and Improvements
[User Defined Dashboard] Changed URL to not include user groupId
[User Defined Dashboard] Improved the ability to set custom dashboards of other groups as the initial screen if the group user has "Custom Dashboard View Permission"
[View Server, Data Server] Changed the required JDK minimum version to JDK 1.7
[View Server, Data Server] Upgrade logback version to1.2.3
[Data Server] Changing the signal handler logging message
Bug Fix
[View Server, Windows OS] Fixed a bug where including forward slash '\' in configuration caused a server error
[Report] Fixed a bug where table sorting did not work correctly
[Analysis > Application Status] Fixes date display bug when view server and browser time zones are different
[Analysis> DB Search] Fixed bug that Domain / Instance / Business cannot be viewed when the search period is more than one day and the "Time display unit" is set to "All".
[User Defined Dashboard] Improved overhead when moving charts in edit mode (minimize ajax calls)
[User Defined Dashboard] Add loading indicator to the top left section of X-View chart
[Management > Group] Fixed a bug where all permissions were granted if none of the permissions were selected.
Server Release Date: 2018-01-11
Changes and Improvements
[View Server] Added an option in server_view.conf that allows showing/hiding chart configuration icon when clicking on a chart in the edit mode.
Server Release Date: 2018-01-16
Changes and Improvements
[View Server] Added option in server_view.conf that allows login only from specific IP address (all_login_permission_ip)
[Data Server/ View Server] Improvement to gather connection information when collecting SQL
[Data Server] Allowing high-severity agent errors to be generated as events in situations where servers and agents are disconnected
Bug Fix
[Topology Dashboard] Fixed a bug where the selected instance and the data on. X-View chart does not match.
[Dashboard] Fixed a bug where the last selected value (domain) of the dashboard top bar was shared with the top bar of the batch job domain
Server Release Date : 2018-01-24
New Features
[Data Server] Copies the default agent settings to all the instances that access the domain for the first time
Changes and Improvements
[View Server] Upgrade View Server Jetty version from 7 to 9.2
[View Server] Support JDK 9
[Data Server] Improved to allow data server heaps to be allocated to physical memory
[View Server] Management > Domain, Added ability to set default agent options
Bug Fix
[View Server] Fixed a bug that the buttons could not be activated when the number of GUIDs in the X-View transaction pop-up exceeds 1000
Server Release Date : 2018-01-30
Bug Fix
[User Defined Dashboard] Fixed a bug that prevented pages from opening when deleting an instance on a chart
[Report/Template] Apply XSS filtering to report directories and template titles
[Pop-up /X-View Transaction Analysis] Fixed a bug where DB Connection column was exposed in the external call section analysis table.
Server Release Date : 2018-01-31
Bug Fix
[View Server] Fixed a bug that caused startup to fail on a restricted external network
Server Release Date : 2018-02-05
Bug Fix
[View Server] Fixed problem that https page does not work properly after upgrading jetty to version 9.2
Server Release Date : 2018-02-07
Changes and Improvement
[Data Server] Improvement to stop collect social security number (Korean) from SQL parameter
[Data Server] Improvement to avoid losing TPS in situations where there are a large number profiles
[Data Server] Adding and measuring system memory and swap memory in the data server status text
[Data Server] Organize CPU utilization in data server diagnostics log.
[Data Server] Save and display the time of the automatic stack trace list screen as agent collection time
Bug Fix
[View Server/ Security] Fixed a bug where GroupID could be arbitrarily changed when modifying user information
[View Server/Template] Fixed a bug where the chart/table selection UI does not open in Chrome (64.0.3282.140) version
Server Release Date : 2018-02-08
Bug Fix
[User Defined Dashboard] Fixed a bug that caused Read Error when selecting "synchronize top bar" in chart configurations
Server Release Date : 2018-02-13
Changes and Improvement
[View Server] Changed the URL '/api / **' so that it does not redirect to https when operating http and https.
[Real-time > Event] Improvement to fit long messages in the event area screen.
[Real-Time > Event] Improvement to truncate long business,instance name.
[Analysis > Performance Browser] Domain Group Support
Bug Fix
[View Server/Security/Report] Fixed a bug that caused a script to be executed when inserting "<script>" in the directory name.
Server Release Date : 2018-02-20
Bug Fix
[Report] Fixed bug that list and directory selection effects do not match
[Management > Notification Window] Fixed a bug in which notification sounds are initialized when custom notification sounds are selected for registration
Changes and Improvements
[Analysis > Performance Browser] "Raw data " modified to export 'TPS' data in seconds interval when using the export function.
[View Server] Enhance log history if the size of data requested by the data server exceeds 50MB
[X-View Transactions Pop-up] Added the ability to export Plain Text profile to CSV file
[Template] Added domain group support for Table/Chart components
[Data Server] Added Logging to help recognize the cause of OOM that occurs when PiSql BoundParameter is very large
[Data Server] Add memory usage by heap area for data server diagnostics
Server Release Date : 2018-02-27
Bug Fix
[Analsysis > X-View] Fixed a bug where client IP table data appeared as 0
[Analsysis > X-View] Fix a bug that screen cannot be rendered if no transactions meet the conditions in the first domain are found during domain group lookup.
Fixed a bug where charts or tables inserted into reports does not appear when using Chrome Version 64
Changes and Improvements
[Data Server] Increase the default size of the data server heap to 2 gigabytes
[Analysis > X-View] Transactions Filtering UX Improvement
[Pop-up > X-View] Front-End Section Analysis Area Chart UX Improvement
[Management > Agent Upgrade] Added "pending" state when upgrading the agent
[Common] Removes newline character when SQL export is included in CSV export
[Real-Time > EVENT] Changed "Business event" name to "Business Metrics event"
Server Release Date : 2018-02-28
Bug Fix
[Management > Login Policy] Fixed a bug that prevented login when "Duplicate Login Prevention" was disabled
Server Release Date : 2018-03-13
Bug Fix
[Analsysis > Application Status] Fixed a bug where data was not found in batch job domain
[OpenAPI] Fixed a bug where data was duplicated when fetching JSON data.
[Analsysis > X-View] X-View Pop-up IP filter, fixed a bug when filtering using IPV6
Fixed a bug where components were not added when the template was not focused on the editor.
[Pop-up > X-View] Fixed a bug where the call-tree screen appeared blank when selecting the timeline
Changes and Improvements
[Analysis> X-View> Client IP Tab] IPV6 address is abbreviated
[Analysis> X-View] Adding "Excluded Application" Filters
[Pop-up > X-View] Performance improvement when exporting full profile
Server Release Date : 2018-03-28
Bug Fix
[Data Server] Fixed the problem that real-time data exceeding the retention period is not deleted in the window environment
[Data Server] Fixed script bug when domain group is off
[User Defined Dashboard ] Fixed bug when adding dashboard as favorites
[Analsysis > X-View] Fixed a bug where the bottom of the X-View was hidden when adding a filter
Changes and Improvements
[Data Server] Remove backticks for table names when performing CR CR matrix lookup
[User Defined Dashbaord] Improve the design of editing a Chart
[User Defined Dashbaord] Improved initial dashboard chart resolution
[Talk] XSS For the contents
New Features
[Data Server] Force thread kill, automatics thread kill operation.
[Data Server] Add Bad Response Active Service Number Metric
[Data Server] Enabling Active DB Connection to register as a metric event
[Management > Rule] Added intelligent EVENT rule management screen
[User Defined Dashboard] Add Active Service List
Server Release Date : 2018-04-01
Bug Fix
[Analysis> X-View] Client IP filtering bug fix
Agent JAVA Release Date: 2018-01-25
Changes and Improvements
Maria JDBC Driver Diret SQL Support
Added JNI module supporting AIX Maintenance 2 (,
Added JNI module supporting Solaris SPARC (,
Bug Fix
Fixed an issue where the module was not initialized due to file system conflict at agent initialization.
The problem is an internal problem when getting File System information as it happens with certain OS and JDK versions.
As a workaround, we added a method to defer initialization before the actual class was used and an option to disable it by adding the trace_file_system option.
Agent JAVA Release Date : 2018-02-13
The patch version is the version that requires the base module upgrade.
New Feature
Added option to collect SQL and FETCH profile according to execution (min_sql_time_to_collect, min_sql_fetch_time_to_collect)
Changes and Improvements
Improved that event can be generated when reconnecting with data server after OOM occurs.
Applies to server version or later.
Bug Fix
Fixed the problem that encoding is broken when applying PLC message (encoding, response_set_charater_encoding)
Fixed an issue where UnkownSQL occurs when using CallableStatement of Oracle JDBC driver (when using version)
Analysis -> Fixed the problem that Process Memory part is not displayed when recording service dump.
Agent JAVA Release Date : 2018-02-23
New Feature
Added the ability to add the contents of the HTTP Header to the application name (append_service_naming_by_http_header)
Agent JAVA Release Date : 2018-03-07
New Feature
Add debug option for Unknown SQL collection (debug_unknown_sql)
Changes and Improvements
Improved to prevent blank values from being set when user ID and GUID are set.
Agent JAVA Release Date : 2018-03-19
New Feature
Added option to ignore specific extensions when tracking profile files. (ignore_profile_for_file_extension)
Changes and Improvements
Improved logical handling of class validation when more targets are created when setting dynamic method profiles to patterns (_ use_default_super_class).
The option is a feature that you set because boot time is critical at certain sites. However, the stability has not been verified.So this option should be used with caution.
Note that some classes of profiles may not be caught when setting options.
This option is only available in the jennifer.conf configuration file.
Agent JAVA Release Date : 2018-03-28
Changes and Improvements
[Management] Improvement to record pending options on the Instance to the agent log file.
Agent .NET Release Date : 2018-01-10
Bug Fix
Fixed a bug where SQL information was not collected due to profile_max_size limitation
Agent .NET Release Date : 2018-01-18
Bug Fix
Fixed a problem where startup_url could not be called after version
Agent .NET Release Date : 2018-01-24
New Feature
Added ip_filter option to ignore incoming requests from specific IP
Bug Fix
For 32-bit, the performance browser's "Current Thread Count" is set to 0
Agent .NET Release Date : 2018-02-05
New Feature
Add the data Source information in the connection string to the SQL query
Agent .NET Release Date : 2018-02-20
Bug Fix
Fixed a bug where certain web applications in IIS on Windows 2003 are not visible in the ACT tool
Agent .NET Release Date : 2018-02-21
New Features
Two new options are added : remote_address_header_key_delimiter, remote_address_header_key_idx
Agent .NET Release Date : 2018-02-23
New Feature
Changed IISConfigHelper to show it as a valid web virtual application if the extension does not have a bin subfolder but it contains files with .aspx, .asmx, and .ashx
Agent .NET Release Date : 2018-02-27
New Features
Changes to the feature to let you know if an agent upgrade has failed (traditionally, if the upload was successful, the installation was seen as a success).
Added support for ASP.NET Core web applications running on top of .NET Framework in Windows environment
Agent .NET Release Date : 2018-03-14
Bug Fix
Fixed problem where agent upgrade does not work (there is a System.UnauthorizedAccessException exception in the log file indicating that the file is locked)
Agent PHP Release Date: 2018-02-27
New Features
Adding remote_address_header_key, remote_address_header_key_delimiter, remote_address_header_key_idx options to get the Client address from the HTTP header
Changes and improvements
Fixed the problem that the encoding is broken when the PLC message is not English and the default_charset setting value in php.ini is not utf-8.
Agent PHP Release Date : 2018-03-16
New Features
PHP 7.2.x(NTS) Support
Changes and Improvements
Fixed the problem that the encoding is broken when the PLC message is not English and the default_charset setting value in php.ini is not utf-8.
Bug Fix
Fixed bug where EXTERNAL CALL host parsing failed
Fixed bug where Segmentation Fault occurs when executing PDO, Mysqli SQL query
Agent PHP Release Date : 2018-03-21
Changes and Improvements
Update Boost library to version 1.66.0
boost 1.65.0 changes : Fixed a race condition in the Linux epoll backend, which may occur when a socket or descriptor is closed while another thread is blocked on epoll.